Why Does Your Home Keep Heating Up In Summer?

Energy Star Rating Assessments
On a sweltering summer day, does your home get intolerably hot? Do you discover it for all intents and purposes difficult to get some decent sleep? Do you use band-aid tricks like allowing your air conditioner system to run constantly while saying that you would simply tackle the electricity bills somehow?

Instead of transforming your home into more of a power-swallowing property, realise why your home keeps heating up amid the summers. Here are certain common reasons discussed by specialists of energy star rating assessments:

Losing the cool air while gaining the hot air

Does your home rapidly end up being hot again when your AC system is turned off? Draft is inconspicuous and can be in charge of up to half of your costly warming and cooling being lost to the exterior environment. This can occur through small gaps in windows, wall vents, doors, architraves and so on.

Heat entering through the windows

Do you feel the brilliant summer warm coming in through the glazing regardless of the shading and blinds in place? Since glass is a brilliant heat conductor, if your windows are just single coated, the warmth will transmit into your home and make it really hot as well as uncomfortable for you.

Heat forcing down via the roof

As your rooftop space warms up, the warmth is pushed down through the roof into your home, you may even be able to feel it developing overhead. The warmth from the sun gets collected by your rooftop tiles and the ceiling space, where it keeps on warming your home, not enabling the roof to cool overnight, thereby making it extremely uncomfortable inside.

Warmth rising upwards from the ground

In the event that your house is constructed off the ground using stilts, you’d know that hot air could develop beneath your floor, ascending through your planks of flooring and warming your home from underneath.

Energy Star Rating Assessments
Warmth radiating through the walls

Uninsulated walls can conduct warmth into your home to a great degree effectively, particularly in case you are in full sun. In the event that your walls are made of brick, you’d know how hot they can get when the sun begins to warm them up. This warmth is housed by the bricks and keeps on propelling itself in your home, thereby making it exceptionally hot and very difficult to sleep peacefully at night.

Now that you know what could be heating up your home during summer, hire an expert to identify the issue and have it resolved effectively.

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