Patio 101: Design Ideas And More

Patio 101_ Design Ideas And MoreFurnishing a patio or upgrading a pre-existing one can readily turn your backyard into a luxurious outdoor facility. The perfect spots to relax, entertain and cook, patios are making a comeback at all stages of the market.

Decorating furniture with outdoor upholstery and constructing a fire-pit will change the way you spend your evenings. With the passage of time, more and more people are drawn towards luxury like this and therefore more trends are on rise.

Some of the current patio trends are discussed below:

  • Concrete stamping – An economical approach to include visual interest, stamping gives concrete the look and feel of a more costly stone like brick, flagstone, cobblestone or slate. However, concrete stamping keep the provision for flexibility. Additionally, as stamping is a customised project depending on your needs, budget can reach different price segments.

  • Colours – Stamping is cool but adding some colours to the concrete slab can boost up the decor of the patio. This can be worked out either by adding a base colour in the concrete mix or staining the cement afterwards.

Mistakes done while constructing a patio:

According to experts, patios should be built or upgraded proportionally in respect to the home or property it sits on. An out-of-proportion project works negatively to disturb the home’s balance, instead of adding to its value.

Looking at the cost of building a patio sometimes may fool you. Do not be fooled by looking at how much it costs because an extravagant patio needs a suitable host property. A little mismatch can spoil the aesthetic value.

Assessing your budget:

Enthusiasts who are on a strict budget and also do not want to give up on looks, can opt for pavers. Pavers can be a great option for people on a tight budget. One can easily install pavers on his own with the provision of customisation.

futpaeves1If you want to take it a notch above pavers, try stamping and colouring on your own. Else you can take the assistance of concrete contractor and get the job done easily.

Other things you can try to make your patio stand out is adding great furniture. A custom-made furniture with excellent upholstery is really going to add that extra value to your patio.

If you are wondering about how to get good outdoor upholstery, then you can Contact Us12.png with some professionals from Northern Beaches.

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