3 Things You Need To Consider While Selecting Upholstery Fabric

There are several things you need to take into consideration while selecting the right fabric for your upholstery. First of all consider how often you want to use the fabric, determine whether you have any pets or small kids at your home and lastly, know whether the fabric is getting too much exposure to sunlight or not. Choosing the right fabric will ensure your upholstery durability and longevity.

Upholstery service providers in Sydney


Usage defines how much durability you want your fabric to be. The durability of fabric can be determined by the Wyzenbeek test. Wyzenbeek test analyses the rub count of a particular fabric and gives desired results. Rub count typically ranges between 10,000 to 200,000. Higher the rub count of the fabric is, longer it will take to tear or pill. Upholstery fabric breaks down just like any other fabrics, but the rub count will give you an idea how soon this breakdown will happen.

You will have to take the Wyzenbeek score seriously if you use a fabric a lot. If it is a sofa or chair that you use daily then definitely you need a durable fabric for your sofa or chair. In general 30,000 considers being solid rub count if you are going for a fabric that will last longer and will be durable.

Ultrasuede can be a formidable option if you are really concerned about durability. Ultrasuede comprises of ultra-fine polyester threads that are bind together to form a soft and durable fabric, it offers resistance to both wear and tear.


Cleanability defines how you can your clean your upholstery easily. Synthetic fibres can be cleaned very easily however, natural fibres cannot be cleaned so easily. Viscose and rayon are two exceptional synthetic fibres which cannot be cleaned so easily.

Cleanability comes into play if you have pets or small kids that go on the couch. Or if you do not want your upholstery getting stained. Crypton can be the best choice for you, it is the ideal choice if you consider cleanability. Crypton is antibacterial and at the same time contains a liquid barrier, so it best repels stains. It is durable, soft and comes in a variety of colours and textures.


If you put your upholstery in a sunroom, by a window or outdoors, then there is a chance your fabric fades away. Strong sunlight fades the fabric, especially the dark fabric. So, if you are looking for a dye that will not only stay on the surface but will also penetrate deep into the fabric, then you can go for Sunbrella dye. Solution-dyed fabrics do not fade so easily and stay over a longer period of time. Since they do not have the high rub count, they can pill much faster. The pill does not signify that it is defective, however, it signifies that it needs care.

So, if you are looking for an appropriate upholstery fabric then do remember the above three factors. If you want professional help, you get in touch with upholstery service. You can find many upholstery service providers in Sydney, select the one which suits you the best.

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