What Are The 5 Important Terms To Know About Foam?

From mattresses to car seat cushions, from sofa sets to theatre seats, we are surrounded by foams. But how well do you know your foam? Here are five terminologies you should know foam.
Foams Are Omnipresent In Our Daily Life.jpg
It is safe to say, that Foams are omnipresent in our daily life, everywhere we go, some or the other kind of foam surrounds us. While the more common uses include beddings, cushions, furniture and car seats among others, the foam is also employed for packaging, acoustics, marine, sports etc.

However, the real question here is, how well do we know, which foam is used for which application. When choosing a foam for your personal use, which one should you pick and why? Well, in order to be eligible to answer such questions, you should know these 5 terminologies for foam in Sydney.

Density of Foam
It is one of the most important point to consider as the density of a foam decides the amount of air present in the foam. The required density is dependent upon the product, for instance, a seat that is regularly used will require a high-density foam in order to have longevity.

Indentation Force Deflection is the measurement of foam’s firmness, stiffness, and load-bearing capacity. Basically, IFD determines the pounds of pressure it will take to indent a foam by 25%. In general, the higher the IFD, the better the foam.

Antimicrobial Treatment
Antimicrobial treatment reduces the risk of dust mites, fungus, and moulds. In addition, the treatment eliminates odour.

Amongst the various types of Foam available in Sydney, the type of antimicrobial treatment given to the foam could differ. Select the ones that suit your purpose the most.

In order to increase the breathability of foam, the cell walls of the foam are blown out. The process is known as reticulated and it enables air and water to easily pass through the open cell structure.

It all boils down to this term as the usage of foam will define the required density to the breathability of the foam. Whether it will be used regularly or occasionally, indoors or outdoors, how much weight will it be subjected to, the purpose, etc?

So, next time you set out to buy the best foam in Sydney, remember these pointers and weigh the available options accordingly. For further clarification, you can always contact the sales representative at the shop, they can expertly guide you in finding the best match.Contact Us

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