Threatened Miscarriage, Its Causes and How to Treat It?

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Do you know what is a threatened miscarriage? It is basically a term that describes abnormal bleeding along with abdominal pain while the women is still pregnant. Although it is not possible to know the cause of threatened miscarriage every time, there are a few factors, which places a woman at risk at the time of first and last trimesters.

Causes of Threatened Miscarriage During first Trimester

  • Older age
  • Problems with Placenta
  • Chromosomal Problems with Foetus
  • Obesity
  • Use of Alcohol During Pregnancy
  • Smoking
  • Use of Drug
  • Excessive Intake of Caffeine

Cause of Threatened Miscarriage During Later Trimesters

  • Unmanaged Diabetes
  • Thyroid Disorder
  • Kidney Problems
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Structural Problems with Cervix, Uterus or Ovaries
  • Infection

Treating Threatened Miscarriage
Threatened miscarriage is an area where acupuncture ca be very helpful in relieving its signs and help with spotting and cramping in the lower abdominal area. Most of the gynaecologists and obstetricians generally use a wait and see approach while dealing with this kind of situation and basically they do not offer anything great to these women in such an unfortunate situation.

However, at this time of pregnancy, there are certain clinics in Northern Beaches that use acupuncture. These clinics have become very popular in dealing with threatened miscarriage. When any patient experiences threatened miscarriage in the first trimester and contacts these kinds of clinic for help, they first ask them to get in touch with their GP, Obstetrician or Gynaecologist for getting the medical advice. If their GP does not offer them with any alternate solution, acupuncture is offered to them. The treatment of acupuncture gets started immediately.

However, if you are pregnant and is even experiencing the slightest signs of threatened miscarriage, get in touch with any of these clinics immediately. Symptoms of threatened miscarriage are vaginal bleeding, which may either be spotting or be heavy. Pain & cramping in the lower abdomen may also be experienced. The pain may go to the buttocks, lower back and even the genitals. You can take medicines like Acetaminophen during your pregnancy for treating this pain. But never take medications like ibuprofen, aspirin or naproxen when you are pregnant.

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