How To Prep Tough-Materials-Made Different Kitchen Cabinets For Spray Painting?

Can you ever deny the freshly painted kitchen cabinets are not alluring? Not because it’s a budget-friendly facelift breathing a new lease of life into the overworked and exhausted kitchen space, but because the freshly done kitchen cabinets add fresh energy supply to homemakers.

However, the little thought of tackling the cabinets seems so much daunting. Different materials profess different upkeeping and maintenance needs. So, it clear prepping improper spells is a disaster recipe when you have decided on a kitchen cabinet spray paint project. Do you think the peeling paint and chipped surfaces are welcoming?

Just like every misery has a solution, so does this issue. In this guide we shall provide you with the detailed knowledge to deliver you the needed confidence to prep kitchen cabinet material to make it easy for the kitchen cabinet spray paint team you would hire from the best company in Sydney. It’s then they can do a flawless painting job!

Why Prepping is So Important?

Flaking off is a major turn-off after the painters have meticulously coated the cabinets with kitchen cabinet spray paint. Proper preparation is the key to long-term coating.

Whatever the material – laminate, wood and metal – all consist of unique properties. According to the properties, the materials are to be cleaned, primed and sanded. But if you ignore these steps, then the guaranteed outcome will be an uneven, bumpy finish mocking the kitchen cabinet spray painting efforts.

Techniques To Prep Different Kitchen Cabinet Materials

We shall focus on wood, laminae and metal to give you a clear idea.

a. Treat Wood As Warriors
Solid wood always echoes as the classic choice. But because of its porous nature, it should be thoroughly cleaned using a degreaser and sanded to get rid of imperfections. Use the wood-specific primer for optimal adhesion.

b. Think of Laminate As Legends
Be careful! The smooth laminate facade could fool you at any time. Use sandpaper to scuff laminate and create the needed “tooth” the paint will be able to grip. Choose only the bonding primer that has been formulated to suit the laminate surfaces. It’s a peeling preventive approach.

c. Metals Are The Marvels
Your kitchen automatically stands out in industrial charm when you have steel cabinets. However, you have to give special attention to its slickness. First, thoroughly degrease. Next, enhance the paint adhesion using a metals-specific etching primer.

A Few Notes Beyond The Basics

Safety always comes first. Make sure you have put on a mask, and worn gloves. The room should be properly ventilated when you are working with chemicals and sanding. Patience is the power. Starting with cleaning to sanding, each step is to be meticulously handled. Be careful not to rush because later, you might have to do additional work. In the end, take to priming like a pro. Using a high-quality primer will create a smooth, even base to meet the needs of flawless paint application.

No matter how much prepping the kitchen feels like a chore, before spray painting the kitchen cabinets, the decision is worth it. It helps you understand are specific needs of each material. Diligently follow what we have discussed to define a firm foundation for a long-lasting, stunning paint job for transforming your kitchen. You are sure to take pride in your kitchen. You know now how you can take up the challenge and be ready to see the magic in your dream kitchen. Start with a little prep, and the satisfaction will be priceless!

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