Stretch Marks: Symptoms, Causes, Risk Factors, Treatments

Stretch marks are narrow & long stripes, lines or streaks that are generally found on the skin. These marks are common. Stretch marks are developed in both men & women. They can mostly be found on thighs, breasts, hips, stomach, lower back & upper arms. Stretch marks can be caused by many reasons such as weight loss & gain, pregnancy, puberty, etc. However, these kinds of marks are removable.

In this blog, we are going to share with you basic things about stretch marks& its symptoms, causes & risk factors.

stretch mark removal

What do you mean by stretch marks?

Stretch marks kind of disfiguring lesions or scars. They are also known as striae distance (SD), striae gravidarum, and striae atrophicans. These marks are common but annoying. They are mostly found in the following areas:

  • Abdomen
  • Hips
  • Breasts
  • Thighs
  • Buttocks
  • Flank

Stretch marks are dangerous physically but they can create anxiety & damage the self-image. Having stretch marks is unnecessary. They are significant concerns that affect day-to-day life.

What are the causes of stretch marks?

According to medical specialists & professionals, pregnancy is the main cause of appearing stretch marks. However, it can also be caused by other reasons. Common causes mainly include:

  1. Pregnancy: Almost 50 to 90% of women in WA have experienced stretch marks during pregnancy. These marks are mostly found in thighs, stomach, & hips.
  2. Excessive Weight Gain: Excessive weight gain is another reason that can be considered. Gaining excessive weight in a shorter period of time may cause these marks.
  3. Corticosteroid Use: Too much use of corticosteroid lotions & creams generally decrease the collagen level. Risk of these marks can be increased due to the lack of collagen.

What are the symptoms of stretch marks?

Initially, stretch marks have appeared as streaks & Iines. They can be purple, red, reddish-brown & pink in colour. However, the actual colour of stretch marks depends upon the skin colour. Over time, the colour of these marks is changed. They take many years to remove.

What are the risk factors of stretch marks?

There are several kinds of risk factors associated with the stretch marks. However, the evidence may vary. Common risk factors of appearing the stretch marks include:

  • Family history
  • BMI or Body Mass Index (before pregnancy)
  • Childbirth weight in the woman during pregnancy
  • Chronic disease

How to treat stretch marks?

Stretch marks can be treated easily. Many stretch mark removal treatments are also widely available. They can effectively remove these marks from the skins. However, many people prefer home remedies to get rid of these marks. According to the medical studies, these home remedies are not very effective & they can’t give satisfactory results.

So, These are all about stretch marks. If you would like to remove these marks from your skin, consult with a good cosmetic clinic in WA. Experts will easily remove the stretch marks from your skin.