The Need Of Biomechanical Asessment Through A Professional Podiatrist

biomechanical prodiatry
Podiatric biomechanics is the process of assessing the structure, functionality and alignment of feet and legs. Usually, a person takes five thousand to eighteen thousand steps in a day. This repetitive motion can create lot of stress on the foot, pelvis, legs and spine. However, if you have a low arched (pronated) or high arched (supinated) foot then you are more susceptible to creating problems. The ailments can turn severe through improper muscle inflexibility, weakness, footwear and activity levels.

Thus, it’s important to assess the underlying structure and its functionality properly to identify the factors causing discomfort. This can be done with the help of special shoe inserts that help in controlling the way in which the foot will perform while reducing the discomfort. When it comes to assessing the functionality of your lower limb, choose an experienced and skilled biomechanical prodiatry service in Perth.

Why do you need biomechanical assessment?

There are very few people who are perfectly symmetrical and this the reason it creates an impact on the way they stand and move. It may not be determined under naked eyes, but if you choose to do the same clinically through the help of professionals, the scenario can be much different. The problems that are determined include high or low arches in the feet, one leg longer than the other, and sports injury. However, there are some cases too, where people adapt to abnormalities without having any problem. Whatever, be the cause it all leads to severe pain as the joints, muscles, ligaments, and tendons receive extra stress while performing. Once the problem is identified the podiatrist provide a suitable treatment based on the specific ailment.

What does the test involve?

biomechanical prodiatry
Depending on the condition the test generally take up to 50 to 70 minutes and in most cases, patients are requested to wear shorts to get access of the knees and lower limbs while moving. The examination process is divided into two sections which include:

  • Static assessment during which various measurements are taken while the patient stands or lies down.
  • Dynamic assessment, in which video is taken as the patient walks or runs on a treadmill to analyse the gait and other discomforts.

Biomechanical podiatry is a kind of assessment which must be done through a professional and certified podiatrist to find out the underlying causes properly.

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